• California Dealership Auto Auctions

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  • DMV clears path for immigrants

    People here illegally, particularly Mexican nationals, would have an easier time acquiring a California driver’s license under new regulations proposed Friday by the California Department of Motor Vehicles. [Read More...]

    DMV clears path for immigrants
  • California Vehicle News Supports

    IADAC - California Independent Automobile Dealers Association, California IADA, IADAC, Online Automotive Dealer News and Education, Dealership Legislative News [Read More...]

    IADAC Independent Automobile Dealers Association of California
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Four-Links – Saturday cinema edition

* Instead of our regular Four-Links this week, let’s do a video edition, starting with the above Chevrolet docuvertisment featuring a trio of Corvairs and a pair of Chevrolet trucks crossing the Darien Gap, the same stretch of jungle that Mark Smith and the Expedicion de las Americas would later cross.

* Headquake, the RC model maker we’ve mentioned previously, has a ton of videos of his models in action, including this one of his Ford Escort Mk I synced to a rally racing soundtrack.

* While we might not be able to drive the Bridgehampton race circuit nowadays, we can at least enjoy the footage of it that Daniel F. Stanhill III shot from his Austin-Healey on the track’s inaugural SCCA races in 1957. (via)

* And what happens when there are no racetracks? Racers will take it to the streets, as these folks did in the early 1960s on Stecker Road in Detroit. (via)

* Finally, the state of concept electric cars in Britain, circa 1967, courtesy British Pathe. (via)

from Hemmings Daily - News for the collector car enthusiast http://blog.hemmings.com/index.php/2014/11/29/four-links-saturday-cinema-edition/

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