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    California auto auctions
  • DMV clears path for immigrants

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    DMV clears path for immigrants
  • California Vehicle News Supports

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Four-Links – Holden restores one of its own, sedan deliveries, tales of auto elasticity, world’s wildest MGB


* Reader Lindsay Wilson pointed us toward Holden New Zealand’s Facebook page this week to point out that Holden just finished the restoration of a 1969 Holden Monaro GTS and that it came out gorgeous.


* We’ve long marveled at Alden Jewell’s ability to collect vintage auto ephemera, and now he’s putting his collections to good use as the basis for articles on AldenJewell.com, including this one on sedan deliveries. Thanks to Geoff Hacker for the tip.


* Chris LaBrooy, whose work we’ve previously posted to Four-Links, has a new group of automotive 3D images up called “Tales of Auto Elasticity,” featuring some kama sutra pickups. (via)


* With 1,800 horsepower out of a twin-turbocharged, DOHC V-8, flares about as wide in total as the car itself, a massive chin spoiler, and enough bulges and air ducts to put a modren-day hypercar to shame, this MGB GT that Engine Swap Depot recently took a look at aims to crush some records on the Nürburgring.


* Finally, the Crosley Auto Club‘s Crosley of the Month for December is feeding my jonesing for a Crosley Pup with a couple photos of the diminutive jeeplets, including the one above from 1943 of one undergoing testing at Camp Hale.

from Hemmings Daily - News for the collector car enthusiast http://ift.tt/1Ied1vQ

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