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Quik DMV Registration Services - Supports effort to feed 300 homeless

Quik DMV registration services support Humanity Frameworks

30 Pie Angel volunteers feed 300 homeless in two hours!

Humanity Frameworks a support group home based in Sacramento, California focus their efforts to feed as many homeless Men, Women, and Children as possible. With a generous donation of $500.00 dollars from QuikDMV.com.

On Christmas eve Humanity Framework organizers collectively worked together to feed, clothe and give donated handmade fleece scarves to 300 homeless individuals in need.

Humanity Frameworks organizer's called this project "Pie Angels". They bought over 40 large pizza's with the donated monies, handing out slices of pizza, bottled water, collected warm clothes, and handmade fleece scarves.  The 30 volunteers were broken up into 3 per team, one to serve pizza, one to hand out plates, napkins, and water. The last volunteer was asked to document the experience via short videos, and pictures. It was then that the photos and video from the 10 teams were edited into a short but inspiring video. The video is a mishmash of the teams collective work and really a piece of visual art in itself. - WATCH VIDEO

The concept behind Humanity Framework efforts are great. They want to document their efforts to show how easy it can be to help so many with just a little intention and heart. In fact they even made a short how to make a scarf video.

Great work Humanity Frameworks, and what a wonderful and generous donation from Quik DMV.

We need more people like this in the world!

For those that wish to follow click here: Humanity Frameworks on Facebook

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