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    Proud Supporter of the National Independent Automobile Dealers Association - The National Independent Automobile Dealers Association (NIADA), founded in 1946 has represented quality independent automobile dealers for over 65 years. NIADA is here to assist it's members in becoming more successful within the used motor vehicle industry. [Learn More...]


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1972 Volkswagen Bus, Scooby Doo Where are You?

1972 vw bus mystery vaneBay Listing: 1972 VW Bus, aka The Mystery Machine Zoinks! What crime-solving group of teenagers known as Mystery Inc. drove around in the coolest psychedelic van known as the Mystery Machine? If you answered Scooby Doo and his gang, you would be correct. Clones of the fictional cartoon vehicle known as the Mystery Machine have been built before, but what caught our attention about this particular 1972 Volkswagen Type II Bus, was that it embodied elements of the original Mystery Machine. It even has the requisite “Scooby snacks” in the back refrigerator. For those of you who somehow have never encountered Scooby Doo, the basic premise of the show was that four teenagers and a talking dog named Scooby Doo drove around in a psychedelic van debunking paranormal activity and catching the baddies. SPOILER ALERT. The shows usually involved ghosts or goblins, which usually turn out to be some sort of bad guy encountered earlier in the episode. It was extremely formulaic and predictable, but a fun cartoon to watch. From the shag pile carpeting in back to the electric green, blue, and orange paintwork, this van is far out man. And, the pictures of it speak louder than our own words can. For the ultimate throwback party wagon that will make you and your friends get noticed in a hurry, and hopefully, if you purchase this bus, it will allow you to solve some of life’s great mysteries, like, “When is it time for my next Scooby snack?” Bid now on this hip happening ode to many of our childhoods. Bidding on the Mystery Machine ends Saturday, February 21 at 3:45 pm (PST).

from eBay Motors Blog http://ift.tt/1EUZuFY

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