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  • DMV clears path for immigrants

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    DMV clears path for immigrants
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Four-Links – Jeep Village, vanishing rest stops, homebuilt Toyota V-12, grand theft (using an) auto


* What do we have here, another blockbuster “barn find of the century?” No, despite what you may have heard on social media, this photo simply depicts the inventory at Jeep Village, a French specialist in all things slotted grille. eWillys had the story on the place a couple years back.


* Photographer Ryann Ford‘s latest project has taken her across the country to document roadside rest stops, which she has found to be an endangered species these days, with commercial spaces taking over the once public places where one could pull off, picnic, and take a breather on a long road trip. (via)


* Toyota did at one point build a V-12 that was, essentially, two banks of 1JZ straight-sixes, as EngineSwapDepot recently wrote, but some enthusiast decided to build his own, starting with a pair of 1JZs, reversing the flow of their heads (or maybe just one of the heads), and mating them with a custom crankcase. Wild.


* Torch is one of a kind. Using Hamburglar to illustrate a story about the Dunkley Patent Self-Charging Gas Motor Cars? Hilarious and unexpected and fitting.


* Finally, Mac from Mac’s Motor City Garage took a trip to Cleveland to take in the recently renovated Crawford Auto-Aviation Collection and returned with plenty of photos.

from Hemmings Daily - News for the collector car enthusiast http://ift.tt/12GW2Sb

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