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Four-Links – Rally de Bandama, NHTSA Impala, pop art Plymouths, bed dancing


* We’ve called the East Africa Safari Rally one of the toughest rallies in the world, but as intense as it was, it didn’t have much on the Rallye de Bandama in Ivory Coast, which didn’t even see one car finish it one year. Ronan Glon at Ran When Parked has more on the rally.


* The NHTSA has pulled out one of the factory airbag-equipped 1973 Chevrolet Impalas from storage, cleaned it up, customized it, and is now taking it around the show circuit to inform the general public of… recall notices. The BBC’s Roundabout has more on it.


* Over on Curbside Classic, contributor Barry Koch decided to see what a 1955 Plymouth would look like done up by various pop artists.


* Stance Is Everything reminded us this week about bed dancing, one of those things that really petered out with the minitrucking movement, and collected some of the more extreme examples in photo and video.


* Finally, Torchinsky recently spent some time in Iceland, where he met up with what is perhaps one of the most well-intentioned old car clubs anywhere.

from Hemmings Daily - News for the collector car enthusiast http://ift.tt/1AF9jdh

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